Welcome to AdminMonitor
Webcasting Administrative Decisions
AdminMonitor brings Webcasting capabilities to your location with our state-of-the-art equipment and staff. Admin is capable of providing live or delayed webcasting, allowing remote users to view the conference or meeting from their computer either in real-time or on-demand from an archive. Companies can reach larger audiences who may be geographically dispersed or simply unable to attend important meetings or events.
AdminMonitor has been Webcasting important meetings, special events and workshops since 2000. We have state of the art equipment, and a qualified staff to make live streaming or delayed webcasting available in real time or on demand for you, your staff and your audience.
Webcasts provide access for your audience, whether local or anywhere on the planet with a broadband connection. Everyone can attend if you have a webcast and make an archive available on your website.
Organizations can save money, both in terms of costly travel and by saving valuable productivity time. Your professional audience -- whether on staff, working as outside consultants, or your desired participants in your event or meeting -- will all save time and money
AdminMonitor has the capabilities to make your conferences, meetings, training sessions and other special events available on the internet. Our portable system allows the option of covering from remote locations.
The Public Utility Commission of Texas regulates the state’s telecommunications, electric, and water and sewer utilities, implements legislation, and offers customer assistance in resolving complaints.
The Railroad Commission regulates the oil and gas industry, gas utilities, pipeline safety, safety in the liquefied petroleum gas industry, and surface coal and uranium mining.
The California Public Utility Commission regulates privately owned electric, natural gas, telecommunications, water, railroad, rail transit, and passenger transportation companies.
The Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board (TALCB) Safeguards Consumers In Matters Of Real Property Appraisal Services.
To Protect The Residents Of Texas By Regulating, Licensing And Renewing The Licenses Of Only Competent Surveyors; Surveyors Able To Provide Accurate Surveys Which Will Result In The Orderly Use Of Our Physical Environment.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality strives to protect our state's public health and natural resources consistent with sustainable economic development.
The Comptroller is the chief steward of the state's finances, acting as tax collector, chief accountant, chief revenue estimator and chief treasurer for all of state government, in addition to administering a number of other programs.
TDHCA Administers A Number Of State And Federal Programs Through For-Profit, Nonprofit, And Local Government Partnerships To Strengthen Communities Through Affordable Housing Development, Home Ownership Opportunities, Weatherization, And Community-Based Services For Texans In Need.
The Texas Education Agency provides leadership, guidance, and resources to help primary and secondary schools meet the educational needs of all students.
The Texas Facilities Commission (TFC) is responsible for providing a high quality work environment for state government that is functional, energy efficient, and cost effective.
TREC Exists To Protect And Serve The Citizens Of Texas. The Commission's Programs Of Education, Licensing And Industry Regulation Ensure That Real Estate Service Providers Are Honest, Trustworthy And Competent.
The Texas Veterans Commission advocates for and provides superior service to veterans that will significantly improve the quality of life for all Texas veterans, their families and survivors.
The Texas Water Development Board provides leadership, information, education, and support for planning, financial assistance, and outreach for the conservation and responsible development of water for Texas.
TDHCA Administers A Number Of State And Federal Programs Through For-Profit, Nonprofit, And Local Government Partnerships To Strengthen Communities Through Affordable Housing Development, Home Ownership Opportunities, Weatherization, And Community-Based Services For Texans In Need.
A statewide retirement system that provides retirement, disability, and death benefits for employees of participating Texas cities.
The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) is a dynamic state agency with a mission to serve, protect, and advance the citizens and industries in the state with quality motor vehicle related services.
Share points of interest using our E-Clip Service
A comprehensive archive is available for you and your team for research and review
View meetings live, from any current device, from anywhere with a broadband connection.
Agenda specific clips available to save time and money
No plug in or special video player software required
AdminMonitor provides webcasts of administrative meetings and workshops as live streaming to be viewed in real-time, or on-demand from an archive we create for you
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