November 8, 2024
Meeting Summary - 10/03/24 ROS Meeting
1 – Antitrust Admonition Katie Rich
- Two alternate representatives were introduced for the meeting.
- Chase appointed Kristen Cook as his alternate representative.
- Resme appointed Shane Thomas as her alternate representative.
2 – Agenda Review Katie Rich
3 – Approval of ROS Meeting Minutes Possible Vote Katie Rich
- Agreement to add the minutes to the combo ballot.
4 – Technical Advisory Committee TAC Update Katie Rich
- Discussion on potential changes to the voting and segment structure at the subcommittee level; no formal decisions made.
- Encouragement to attend the next TAC meeting in October for updates on potential process changes.
- TAC has requested input from the subcommittees on items to highlight for the board.
- Approval of NPRR1244 and NOGRR263 by TAC, which were on the previous agenda.
- Approval of the AS methodology by TAC.
5 – ERCOT Reports
- Three reports were discussed.
5.1 – Operations Report Alex Lee
- The unofficial peak demand for August was 85,199 MW on August 20, which was 309 MW less than the peak demand earlier in the same month on August 10.
- A solar generation record of 20,836 MW was set on August 19.
- Three frequency events occurred due to unit trips, with frequencies recovering quickly.
- No ERCOT Contingency Reserve Service (ECRS) events, Responsive Reserve Service (RRS) events, or DC Tie curtailments were reported.
- 34 HRUC commitments were made mainly for system capacity, with some for securing reliability and meeting generator minimum runtime requirements.
- Two OCNs were issued due to hot weather on August 7-8 and August 18-20.
- Three advisories were issued for Geomagnetic Disturbances of level K-7 or higher.
- Congestions were highest on the E_PASP and part of the Start GTCS in August.
5.2 – System Planning Report Ping Yan
- The 765 kV preliminary plan was presented at the September RPG meeting.
- ERCOT plans to continue the 765 kV discussion at the October RPG meeting.
- ERCOT will publish the annual regional transmission plan report with economic analysis by December.
- Reports to include congestion cost savings test and information for market participants.
- ERCOT is developing the LTSA long term system assessment report and the grid reliability and resiliency report.
- Preliminary results will be brought to RPG for discussions before December, but no specific date is set.
- Mention of a TSAT implementation schedule update to be discussed.
5.3 – Online TSAT Implementation Schedule Update Douglas Bernhoft
- Douglas Bernhoft provided an update on the real-time implementation of TSAT.
- Two scenarios, EASTEX and Raymondville Rio Hondo, are currently in monitoring stages in the real-time production system since July 10.
- TSAT results are generally consistent with expectations, aligned with offline study limits, with sensitivity to real-time voltage coordination.
- Plan to implement TSAT limits for EASTEX and Raymondville Rio Hondo starting November 5, with a market notice one week prior.
- Additional TSAT scenarios are being tested for more GTCs within the ERCOT system.
- Current limits are expected to remain similar; scenarios focusing on renewable impacts are prioritized for studying.
- No specific schedule available for testing other GTCs, such as WESTEX, pending the operations stability analysis team’s evaluation.
- TSAT aims to provide more accurate real-time limits, which may vary from offline calculations due to real-time information.
- Discount factors used in offline studies are expected to remain for real-time calculations using TSAT.
6 – New Protocol Revision Subcommittee PRS Referrals Vote Katie Rich
6.1 – NPRR1247, Incorporation of Congestion Cost Savings Test in Economic Evaluation of Transmission Projects
- Motion to request PRS continue to table NPRR1247 for further review by PLWG added to combo ballot.
- The incorporation of the congestion cost savings test will be included in the annual RTP study.
- PRS has tabled the NPRR pending further review and formal assignment.
- ERCOT has presented a draft white paper providing details on the cost savings test, which was discussed at the PLWG meeting.
- ERCOT is working on reply comments to address clarifications requested during discussions.
- The next PLWG meeting is scheduled for October 16, with plans to file comments before that meeting.
- The packed agenda of previous meetings has impacted scheduling, potentially affecting the October 16 meeting.
- There’s a proposal to table the NPRR and refer it to PLWG for further discussion, aiming for a resolution before going back to PRS in November.
- ERCOT intends to include test results from the new criteria in the RTP study even before approval of the NPRR.
7 – NPRR1180, Inclusion of Forecasted Load in Planning Analyses Possible Vote Katie Rich
- NPRR1180 was approved last year by ROS and PRS approved it last month.
- ERCOT filed comments on NPRR1180 and PGRR107 at the end of August.
- NPRR1180 will undergo IA review this month.
- The focus is on ensuring consistent use of ‘load’ across protocols and guides.
- It was decided to move NPRR1180 forward at PRS without further input.
8 – ROS Revision Requests Vote Katie Rich
- Introduction of IA (Impact Analysis) reviews
8.1 – PGRR107, Related to NPRR1180, Inclusion of Forecasted Load in Planning Analyses
- Motion to table PGRR107 added to combo ballot.
- ERCOT needs to wait until the November meeting to complete the Impact Analysis (IA) for PGRR107.
8.2 – PGRR116, Related to NPRR1240, Access to Transmission Planning Information
- Motion to endorse and forward to TAC the 9/9/24 ROS Report and 7/2/24 Impact Analysis for PGRR116 added to combo ballot.
- No impact IA.
8.3 – NOGRR266, Related to NPRR1239, Access to Market Information
- Motion to endorse and forward to TAC the 9/9/24 ROS Report and 7/2/24 Impact Analysis for NOGRR266 added to combo ballot,
- No impact IA.
8.4 – NOGRR267, Related to NPRR1240, Access to Transmission Planning Information
- Motion to endorse and forward to TAC the 9/9/24 ROS Report and 7/2/24 Impact Analysis for NOGRR267 added to combo ballot.
- No impact IA.
8.5 – PGRR119, Stability Constraint Modeling Assumptions in the Regional Transmission Plan
- Motion to table PGRR119 and refer issue to PLWG added to combo ballot.
- Reviewed PGRR119 for stability constraint modeling assumptions in the Regional Transmission Plan (RTP).
- The revision will codify the use of a reliability margin when modeling limits associated with this stability constraint in the RTP reliability and economic base cases.
- Suggestion to have Dylan’s group take up this issue.
- Proposal to table and refer it to the Planning Working Group (PLWG).
9 – Revision Requests Tabled at PRS and Referred to ROS Possible Vote
- Two revision requests are currently tabled.
9.1 – NPRR1229, Real-Time Constraint Management Plan Energy Payment
- NPRR1229 is currently at WMWG.
- Responses were provided by STEC to policy level questions posed by ERCOT.
- No current role for ROS as WMWG is still working through the issues.
9.2 – NPRR1234, Interconnection Requirements for Large Loads and Modeling Standards for Loads 25 MW or Greater NDSWG
- NDSWG did not meet in September; additional comments from steel mills are expected to be discussed at the next meeting.
- Item NPRR1234 remains tabled for future discussion.
- PGRR107 is to be tabled pending further information expected in November.
10 – Revision Requests Tabled at ROS (Possible Vote)
10.1 – PGRR073, Related to NPRR956, Designation of Providers of Transmission Actions
- Not discussed
10.2 – NOGRR268, Related to NPRR1246, Energy Storage Resource Terminology Alignment for the Single-Model Era
- Motion to recommend approval of NOGRR268 as amended by the 9/24/24 ERCOT comments added to combo ballot.
- Items NOGRR268 and PGRR118 were previously tabled but were proposed to be moved forward as RTC discussions went smoothly.
- ERCOT submitted comments on NOGRR268 and PGRR118, proposing modifications to clarify language regarding generation and energy storage.
- The proposed language changes suggest references to ‘generation’ would inherently include energy storage, thus additional mentions of energy storage are unnecessary.
- The group agrees to move forward with ERCOT’s proposed modifications to these items.
10.3 – PGRR118, Related to NPRR1246, Energy Storage Resource Terminology Alignment for the Single-Model Era
- Motion to recommend approval of PGRR118 as amended by the 9/20/24 ERCOT comments added to combo ballot.
11 – Operations Working Group OWG Rickey Floyd
11.1 – NPRR1070, Planning Criteria for GTC Exit Solutions OWG, PLWG Possible Vote
- ERCOT is collaborating with PUC staff to finalize the language.
- The discussion on this item remains tabled at the Operating Working Group (OWG).
11.2 – NPRR1238, Voluntary Registration of Loads with Curtailable Load Capabilities OWG Possible Vote
- Oncor filed comments on April 18, 2024, regarding voluntary registration of loads with curtailable load capabilities.
- OWG reached consensus on Oncor’s comments at their last meeting.
- ERCOT presented use cases during the meeting demonstrating the impact of considering VECLs on total load for load shedding.
- ERCOT’s example showed specific entities’ load at 0.39% of ERCOT’s total load, which could rise to 2.75% if VECls were included.
11.3 – NOGRR265, Related to NPRR1238, Voluntary Registration of Loads with Curtailable Load Capabilities OWG Possible Vote
- Oncor filed comments on NOGRR265 and OWG reached a consensus on these comments.
- Fred provided a status update on NPRR1238 comments, stating they are close to finalizing and expect to file them before the upcoming October OWG meeting.
- Consensus generally aligns with Oncor’s comments, with clarifications needed on low shader calculations and ramping codification.
- Blake from LCRA expressed concerns about the lack of a remote control disconnection device requirement for VECL at the DSP level, suggesting language to address this.
- Golden Spread’s Chris mentioned no anticipated distribution disconnects for VECLs and emphasized the need for coordination with ERCOT.
- Ken Bowen from CPS Energy raised the issue of load ratio share calculation related to transmission projects and entity recovery rates.
- Lloyd commented on the safety aspects of remote control of breakers for large loads, advocating for notice and adherence to good utility practices.
- Ricky discussed the process of OWG referring additional comments on NOGRR and NPRR back to OWG, and agreed to reconsider them next month.
- Bob Whitmer emphasized the urgency of implementing early curtailment loads to protect firm loads and prevent unnecessary risk to vulnerable populations.
12 – Planning Working Group PLWG Dylan Preas
- Dylan Preas was asked to provide an update under the Planning Working Group (PLWG) agenda item.
12.1 – PGRR115, Related to NPRR1234, Interconnection Requirements for Large Loads and Modeling Standards for Loads 25 MW or Greater PLWG Possible Vote
- PLWG met on September 24 to discuss PGRR115.
- Reviewed comments from Centerpoint Energy, Oncor, and Steel Mills on PGRR115.
- Discussed large load rules and processes, including incorporation into QSA.
- Covered dynamic study requirements and deadlines for LLIS process.
- Explored inclusion of entities into LLIS process, such as DSP’s and resource entities for co-located large loads.
- Anticipation of ERCOT reply comments to the presented comments.
- The item was tabled for further discussion by the PLWG.
12.2 – PGRR117, Addition of Resiliency Assessment and Criteria to Reflect PUCT Rule Changes PLWG Possible Vote
- LCRA provided reply comments on PGRR117 regarding impact, duration, and frequency of outages.
- ERCOT proposed a future NPRR to assess whether upgrades meet resiliency criteria and their benefits.
- PGRR117 discussion was tabled for the next meeting.
- Discussion on ERCOT’s draft white paper on NPRR1247 regarding congestion cost savings test.
- NERC-related topics included standards NERC CIP-014 on physical security and NERC TPL-008 on extreme weather standards.
- Open action item on PGRR107 regarding review of load in the planning guide discussed.
- ERCOT acknowledged the significant effort required to update more than 4000 instances of ‘load’ in protocols and planning guides.
- PLWG will keep the action item open to align terminology over time.
- Suggestions were discussed to incorporate terminology checks during future revision requests.
- PGRR119 added to the agenda for future consideration.
13 – Dynamics Working Group DWG Paul Koberlein
- Paul Koberlein presented a short update on procedure manual updates, aiming to align it with NOGRR245’s language.
- The draft procedure manual was posted on the DWG landing page two months ago for review.
- No comments were received on the draft, and approval is being requested to remove the draft status.
- Upon ROS approval, the draft language, watermarks, and titles will be removed from the procedure manual.
- The procedural manual will be reposted to the DWG landing page and becomes effective upon approval.
- Clarification was made that there is no gray box language for NOGRR245, and the changes are effective as of October 1.
14 – Combo Ballot Vote Katie Rich
15 – Inverter Based Resources Working Group IBRWG Julia Matevosyan
- Discussed procedure manual update with changes from DWG manual and updated tools for testing.
- Mark Henry presented a standards update with three standards developed; PRC-030 and PRC-028 received sufficient votes, PRC-029 faced industry disagreements.
- Fred Huang presented a draft proposal for advanced grid support from energy storage resources with a focus on grid forming functions; ERCOT seeking feedback.
- Addressed primary frequency response performance issues in inverter based resources, specifically wind and solar under deep curtailment.
- ERCOT continues to seek feedback from OEMs to understand technology limitations and propose solutions.
- Update on NOGRR245, which has been approved at PUC with a follow up NOGRR to be developed.
- Discussed ROCOF and phase jump measurement items; understanding OEM methods for frequency measurement and response.
- ERCOT aims to align evaluation methods with OEM limitations for frequency response and ROCOF assessment.
- Fred provided update on tentative schedule for advanced grid support ESR adoption request, aiming for end-of-year submission.
- Next Meeting Date: October 11
16 – Performance, Disturbance, Compliance Working Group PDCWG Kevin Bunch
- PDCWG met on September 18 with a short meeting.
- Reviewed general archive frequency control metrics and regulation reports.
- Received a brief update regarding the BAL-001 SAR related to ESRs.
- Reviewed two non-frequency events and one frequency event in a closed meeting; events appeared standard with no extremes.
- Observation that frequency events have decreased over the last decade, from eight or nine per month to about one a month.
- IMFR was increased to 1552, exceeding expectations.
- Upcoming meeting in October is likely to be canceled due to light agenda unless something new arises.
- Encouragement for members to attend the IBR meeting next week regarding frequency change.
17 – Steady State Working Group SSWG William Robertson
- Two tuning sessions for the 24 SSWG case build were held last week.
- A business meeting occurred last Wednesday, with the case build nearly complete.
- There are no expected delays in posting final cases.
- The target date for the final cases posting is October 11.
- ERCOT will also post the TPIT and CR report on the same date.
- Next steps include updating the planning data dictionary and contingency definitions.
- Final posting for the planning data dictionary and contingency definitions is scheduled for October 25.
18 – Operations Training Working Group OTWG Manuel Sanchez
- Aircraft operator certification exam has been temporarily suspended due to issues with testing centers. Notification sent to market participants on September 9.
- Efforts are ongoing to resolve certification exam issues; notifications will be sent upon resolution.
- Annual ERCOT Blackstart training seminar scheduled from October 15 – November 21, including computer-based training and in-person simulation exercises.
- Participants can earn continuing education hours (CEHs), must complete the entire day’s session for credit.
- Computer-based training is released weekly, attendees can contact ERCOT service desk for assistance.
- ERCOT TSP IRL training is under initial discussion to develop objectives and content, focused on TOS with sensitive topics.
- No additional questions or comments were raised during the session.
19 – Black Start Working Group BSWG Michael Dieringer
- The Blackstart Working Group met on September 19 in a closed session.
- Topics included how to utilize DEERS during black start events.
- A roundtable Q&A session was held between the working group, DEERS, and ERCOT.
- Additional information will be provided in the future.
- Preliminary stages of a NOGRR for satellite phone requirements were discussed.
- Participants received a copy of the NOGRR to review and provide feedback by the next meeting.
- A vote confirmed Michael Dieringer as chairman and Alex Lee as vice-chair.
- Blackstart plans are due on November 1.
- The next meeting will occur on December 11, requiring an NDA for participation.
20 – Other Business Katie Rich
20.1 – 2025 ERCOT Membership/Segment Representative Elections Suzie Clifton
- Reminder of upcoming 2025 membership process
- Notifications have been sent out
- Date of record is Friday, November 1st and elections will commence on following Tuesday, November 5th
20.2 – Review Open Action Items List
- Discussion about the upcoming ERCOT membership segment representative elections starting on November 5, 2025.
- Discussion on the transmission, reclosing, and sectionalizing schemes for IBR ride through, with intent to follow up with absent members.
- NDSWG leadership progress on nodal ICCP communication handbook initiated in April.
- Update on ERCOT protocols and planning guides regarding the correct use of terms; mention of necessary modifications and timing for agenda review.
- Clarification about different definitions of generation in context with storage and RTC.
- EPA regulations and their relevance to ongoing court discussions were retained as action items.
- Discussion on calculating load shedding in real-time and potential relevance of NPRR 1238.
- A TAC assignment on the September 6 event involving analysis by several working groups.
- Consideration of updates on single model revision requests and their implications.
- Intention to narrow down the open action items list by the end of the year.
- The ballot motion was carried 100% in favor.
- Acknowledgement of next meeting on November 7, to be conducted in person.
- Not discussed
20.3.1 Network Data Support Working Group (NDSWG)
- No NDSWG leadership was on the call, unsure if any progress has been made since April of this year
20.3.2 – 20.3.3
- Not discussed
21 – Adjourn Katie Rich
Related meeting(s):10/03/24 – ERCOT – ROS Meeting – Webex Only
Related controls: NPRR1070 – NOGRR265 – NPRR1180 – PGRR115 – NPRR1238 – NOGRR267 – NPRR1234 – PGRR117 – NPRR1246 – NOGRR266 – PGRR116 – NOGRR268 – PGRR118
Keyword Tags: ROS